In spite of the rain, Ludlow Dog Day on July the 24th was a great success and a fun, if wet, day out for the many people who braved the weather with their dogs to take part. Understandably numbers were down on previous years but we were still able, after costs, to raise some £14,000 for our chosen charities.
The day could have never taken place without the incredible contribution made by more people that it is possible to mention individually, including the sponsors small and large, the display teams, the 130 volunteers who help run the day and by no means least the people who attended with their pets. We would like to thank one and all for helping us raise this incredible sum for our chosen charities
The Ludlow Dog Day Team are now taking a well earned rest and later in the autumn we will decide when the next event will be held. In the meantime please visit our FaceBook page or join our Ludlow Photographs Group and share your photographs of the day and view the hundreds of other photographs and videos people have posted.
If you like to contact Ludlow Dog Day, please email